Saturday, January 31, 2009

I NEVER would have thought!!!

WOW.. Does God move in mysterious ways. lol My boys have been falling away from God. I have been praying and fasting. I have prayed "whatever it takes Lord to bring them back to you then do it." Well I figured like things like nightmares or things that would scare them back to the Lord....

lol Little did I know.. lol It is "GIRLS" that are helping bring my boys back to the Lord!! Along with LOTS of prayer!! Having a new church and Pastor and Pastors wife who are praying with me also. But I have a friend in another town and we were down there a couple weeks ago. Caleb had a bad night after his birthday and he started talking to one of these girls from the church down there about this night and she was talking to him and he was amazed at how much scripture and the word she was using.



Then we came home and our pastor taught on Saul and Ananias. Caleb feels this girl is his Ananias and is showing him he needs to get right with the Lord and get right with God. Nathan also has cut his hair and got rid of his music and is only listening to Kirk Franklin and Gospel music (that I know of). Nathan has told his former girlfriend that he is getting back to where he needs to be and has been going to church.

Caleb also I feel is breaking down a thick wall he has built up because of bad deep hurts he has had from people who have hurt him. He has seemed afraid to let people close to him yet he has said he wants to ride with our pastor who he had NOT wanted to assiciate with since going there the past two months. He also hasnn't been listening to his hard music like he did. :o)
Last night (Friday), we went to the Last service of Landmark aand we sat on the 3rd last pew from back. The boys saved whole pew from back from row for them and the girls and mroe. It was great. During altar call all of them went to the altar and prayed and it was great that my friend got picturs of them at the altar.


I'm praying for Gods will with these kids. It's cute tho how my 3 boys all seem to like her three girls. lol Please pray for Caleb, Nathan, Adam and the girls and also for my youngest Noah all to draw closer to God and to do HIS WILL!!!

Well time to go to bed and get some sleep. Love ya all more than eternity and get some rest. Love you all more than eternity and back.

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