Sunday, March 29, 2009



I just wanted to show you how God answered prayer for me yesterday!!! This was God's doing and I'm soooooooo THANKFUL for it!! I LOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVE it!!! lol Ya do have to be careful what you pray for or HOW you pray!! I said I needed this by the end of the month and BOY does he wait til the end of the month!!! Then I said last Sunday at church when asking for prayer that I needed it by end of the week... Wellll lol "Saturday". lol BUT I'm NOT complaing!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!! :jump: I'm soooo THANKFUL for my pastor and his wife taking me around to look and get it also!

I was thankfully pre-approved for a loan in less than 2 hrs on Friday afternoon before they closed for 8,000 with I think 5 to no more than 6.25% depending on Kelly Blue Book of van. I had checked my credit reports and scores just before I called and my scores went from 633 last yr (end of last yr) to 750 and 731 now!!
Here is my NEW BLESSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ME signing the contract!! My FIRST NEW CAR!!^

Me with MY NEW VAN!!! ^


NOW I can drive around SAFELY and know that I can get places and get the boys and I to our doctor appts and surgeries without worrying about the car falling apart.

Just wanted to share my blessing and praise report with you. :o) Now I need to get booking and ready for church!!

God Bless you,
Gina Marie

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Giving Thanks for a Special Needs Child

An online friend posted this on a support forum I belong to and I thought it was pretty neat and I wanted to share it with people who work with the special needs and for parents and loved who are related to the special needs. Having two special needs boys, I can relate to a lot of these also. lol
Gina Marie

1) You never have to worry about worrying over nothing.
Let other parents obsess over the frivolous and the shallow. Your child will make sure you always have something worthy to worry about.

2) Developmental delays = more years of hugs, kisses, and little-kid sweetness.
My 13-year-old still wants to sit in my lap, give me hugs, and tell me he loves me. What mom of a sullen teen doesn't secretly wish for the same?

3) Maybe someday, Ty Pennington will come build you a house.
Hey, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition loves families of children with special needs. Your little one may be your ticket to a lavish living space.

4) Any little milestone is a cause to throw a party.
Your child works hard for every step, sit-up and syllable, giving you lots to be excited about.

5) Every day is a learning experience.
Some days it's a pop quiz, some days it's a crash course, but life with your child is always an education, for sure.

6) You have the privilege of putting several doctors' children through college.
After paying for all those appointments, you may feel like a one-family scholarship foundation. Put your child's name on some letterhead and take pride.

7) You meet a better class of parent in waiting rooms and support groups.
Your child frees you from having to hang out with those snotty parents on the playground, and gives you entry into an exclusive club of people who are sensitive, sarcastic, and sure of their priorities.

8) You have an iron-clad escape excuse for any occasion.
You'd love to stay at that boring party, crowded event, endless church service, but, you know, your child just can't tolerate it. (And if sometimes it's you who can't tolerate it -- who's to know?)

9) Coming up with new strategies every day keeps your brain sharp.
They say doing crossword puzzles helps ward off Alzheimer's. Figuring out your child's schedules and treatments and lessons and rights and restrictions must easily provide twice the protection.

10) Your blessings will always be fully counted.
Other parents may take the gifts that their children bring for granted. Not you. Not ever.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Global Food Crisis Day 3-11-09

It's been super crazy around here lately.. Adam has had two surgeries in a week and has one of his follow ups tomorrow. Caleb got his shin cut open at school the day the younger boys and I were leaving town for Adam's surgery last week and had to have stitches and got those out today. Then last Tues., Nathan was riding Noah's bike with a friend and bumped his friends bikes tire and crashed and flew over the handle bars and landed on his hands and rolled and tore up his hands and scraped up the rest of his body.. So his hand is healing and Adam and Caleb have had stitches.. SO FAR Noah and I are the only semi normal ones. lol
I leave tomorrow for a ladies conference til Saturday. I SURE can use the days away. I can't afford the cost and not sure how I will get my powerchair IN my van but I will find away. :)

There are children that are dying and going with out food RIGHT NOW!! Did you know it only takes $13.00 to feed a child for A MONTH?? Just THIRTEEN DOLLARS!! You feed your family for more than that in one meal at a fast food!! Families in other countries just to help their children not feel so "hungry" they have to feed them "DIRT COOKIES". It is DIRT, LARD, WATER mixed to make "COOKIES". There is NO nutrition on them.. Its just to put something in their stomachs to help with the hunger because they have NO FOOD!

I told my boys "And you complain if dinners a little late or say you are "starving" if I won't give you cookies or snack or something and look at these kids who are REALLY STARVING! DIRT COOKIES people! When I heard that I started crying!! How much more do we have versus these other people in these countries!!

If you read this go to this website and do what you can to donate to Compassion website .. Just $13.00 will feed a child for a month!! Lets see how many we can feed by midnight!!

Gina Marie