Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Praise Him!!

I have been so blessed lately even more than usual because the Lord is ALWAYS blessing me. Each day I live is a blessing. :o)
My new van has been a HUGE blessing!! I can't believe I've put 3,000 miles on it already and haven't even had it 2 months!! YIKES! lol But as my brother says, At least we don't have to worry about me breaking down anywhere especially on trips. Thank you Jesus!! I even got my oil changed already.
Then in April I was elected to be Chairperson for our CAC thru our county SELPA. Its thru our County Special Ed dept. I knew with my disability's and also disorganization I had to fix somethings and I NEEDED a desk to help get some things in order and keep track of stuff. But knew I didn't have it in my budget. BUT I prayed!! God hears our prayers. Saturday I was in the office here at the club and was just looking at their computer desks and there was two and they were slightly different. I was comparing the two. I figured one of them was like the one I would need or would work. Then Saturday night I was driving home with Adam and Noah and there on the side of the road was a computer desk and two bikes that said FREE!!! We got out and checked it out and the desk was in pretty good shape. The keyboard shelf would fall when pulled out but the cabinet doors shut great and it wasn't to scratched up. It was also still sturdy and not falling apart. BUT I didn't think I could get it in my minivan ESPECIALLY having two boys in there already and my walker.. I tried calling a few people but no one was up. I had to go home and prayed I could get that desk..
My brother came over the next morning to fix our swamp cooler (THANK YOU JESUS)! It was suppose to be 106 on Sunday. He has a Toyota so I knew it wouldn't fit in his car. He was going to do my weed eating also but he ran out of string right after he started.. :o( By the time he left, I had enough time to get showered and get ready for church.
Sunday night after my older boys were home, I went to go check out and see if the desk happen to still be there.. I kinda doubted it but prayed.. I drove by and THOUGHT I saw it so I did a u-turn.. I then didn't see it.. I decided to go into town even tho it was 11 pm and get me something to eat and drink. I kept telling the Lord how I NEEDED that desk or A DESK. All the way into town I kept looking for another desk.
I stopped at 7-11 and got me a tea and donuts and headed back home since I had only had 3 hrs sleep... I kept checking the road and when I got near where the desk HAD been I drove slow again... IT WAS THERE!!!!!!!!!! I pulled right over!!! With killing my back I got it in my van by laying the seats down. I brought it home and Nathan helped get it in the house! Last night I got it all set up and my computer and my back/leg are happier to not have to sit sideways on recliner to use computer. :o) Thank you Jesus!!
God also provided an extra financial blessing to help hold me this month. :o) He knows our needs and supplies our needs. Not always our WANTS but DOES supply our NEEDS.. It's just in HIS timing and not always OUR timing!! lol
God is always working in our lives even when we don't know it. We don't know how many times he may have saved our lives and we didn't even know it. Maybe he had stopped a car from hitting us or someone from attacking us and we didn't even know because Him and his angels are always watching over us.
God says if we don't praise him the rocks will cry out. I love to praise him!! He gives me breath and life and JOY!!
Psalm 150:6 Let everything that hath breath, Praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Pretty cool stuff, I saw this site with some useful info on Computer Desks. Hope it helps