This post is part of "Hi/Lo Thursday" on the Riggs Family Blog. Check out their blog to read everyone else's "Hi/Lo" posts and for a chance to win $100.
My Hi this week was that I got ALL my dishes washed (took 3 drainer loads and lots of sitting down breaks but got it done!!), my bathroom cleaned and mopped (even if I had to sit to do it) and I opened my computer and cleaned out all the dust and crud so it can "breath" and run better!! My BEST Hi is that Saturday is Valentines day & the Lord is my TRUE VALENTINE!! Remember that the Lord is the BEST Valentine!! He LOVED you SO MUCH that he gave his OWN LIFE FOR YOU!! How much more could he give??????
My Low this week is that I still don't have a dryer so I'm drying clothes by my woodstove which is causing me to run out of wood and I still dont have a minivan which I need by next month and its hard to stand or sit for periods of time because of pain/electrical feeling in leg. BUT I know God will provide!!
Pray for the Rigg's daughter Abby as she fights Leukemia. She is 4 yrs old and she has been in the hospital in excurciating PAIN for at least a week and at times not sure if she would make it BUT God is so awesome and she pulled thru and will possibly be going home tonight!!
I pray you all have a blessed weekend. My boys have Monday off and a short day tomorrow.
Happy Valentines day!!! Remember that the Lord is the BEST Valentine!! He LOVED you SO MUCH that he gave his OWN LIFE FOR YOU!! How much more could he give?????? He is my TRUE VALENTINE!!!
Gina Marie